This cake I made for dinner with friends that I had been invited ! Un'antipastissimo of preparing meats and a wonderful grilled meat, especially for me, because after what I've had this summer, unfortunately I became intolerant to so many little things that I liked to eat ...
Then I could only repay by bringing what I can do more ... a beautiful cake .... plus a parfait that is always and never fails!
Ingredients: Pasta
For the biscuit:
4 eggs 100 gr.
sugar a pinch of salt
120 gr.
flour 30 gr. starch or cornstarch
vanilla 2 teaspoons baking powder 125 gr. of amaretti
For the pastry: 150 gr
flour 50 gr. icing sugar a pinch of salt
a small vial of lemon flavoring
100 gr.
of butter For the filling:
a box of 250 gr. ditto for
ricotta mascarpone
80 gr.
fresh cream 100 gr.
sugar 2 tablespoons chocolate liqueur
100 gr. chocolate hazelnut chopped
4-5 tablespoons of Nutella (I made 6)
10 gr. jelly food
Nutella for the inside of the roll
chocolate liqueur such as bathrooms for the roll
hazelnut chocolate glaze and chocolate chips
Preparation: For the pastry
usual procedure and allow to cool in refrigerator, wrapped in foil
For the sponge add the dry ingredients together as for the wet ingredients and then mix together
Spread on a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper and bake for 15 'to 180 °
A cooked, turn on a damp cloth and covered with sugar and roll the pastry resume
Meanwhile, roll out the bottom of a 24 cm cake tin with a zipper. in diameter
Punzecchiamone the base with a fork and cover with parchment paper and dried beans, cooking white
Bake at 180 degrees for 15 'then remove the beans and cook for another 10'
oven and cool
Meanwhile, unroll the scroll and spalmiamolo Nutella dissolved after wet with a little liquor, then riarrotoliamolo
Prepare the filling by combining all
Cut the roll into many records, not too thin so that you break the crust cooled and
Resume riposizioniamola inside of the cake
Spalmiamola of molten Nutella
endorse on it the rolls horizontally, and decorate with the remaining walls resting
Fill the springform pan with all the stuffing in the fridge
Decoriamone the surface before serving

NB: More than we ... More Nutella is good!
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