This is another version of the famous chocolate salami .... not the first I liked it ... but you know, when I fixed up an argument then "it produces a rota!
E 'that right! the other is that of the recipe

Ingredients: 150 gr
150 grams of butter.
sugar 3 eggs 80 gr.
cocoa 350 gr. of Mollicone (chunks) of panettone
icing sugar for dusting qb

Fit the electric mixer with the butter and sugar
join the eggs, one at a time,
join the cocoa powder, whisking
always join then, with a wooden spoon, the cake of mollicotte Modeling and mix well with hands
giving it a form of sausage
place it in a sheet of baking paper sprinkled with sugar and close to salami
aluminum covered with paper and put it to rest in frezeer for at least 1 hour and then leave it in the fridge at least for another hour, preferably
1 day before serving, brush with icing sugar, cut into slices and serve with a side of vanilla cream warm .... a pleasure!!

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