Traveling by sea, I visited places like the island of the sorceress Circe, the passage of the sirens, the island of the Cyclops, now I have decided to return to Ithaca, leaving the battery's about to start then do not ever do the gay beach ... And
cibarmi more harm mobile phones and laptops turned into pigs
And do not listen to me more people do not grow horns, sirens
the bewitching song that lead to death.
only return to the island of my life
the island where I will die in the company of my companion.
now the journey has made me mature enough to return.
and kill anyone, in my absence, has requested the hand of my companion.
Only then will see how, despite the perpetual bad luck and the wandering sea far from home, a man may be linked to their own half.
Poseidon PS You're a bastard.
Nobody - Ulysses.
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