Ingredients for 4:
Half onion, oil, pepper, broth, Marsala wine, 2 handfuls of rice each, 300 g Gorgonzola cheese, a head of chicory, milk taste
Preparation: Prepare the stock
. Finely chop the chicory. Finely chop the onion and cook it with a little oil in a pan for risotto, add the rice and toast (grains should become a little 'transparent), add granular nut, deglaze with the Marsala. Add
from time to time the stock to dry without too much rice (cook for 20 minutes), after about 5 minutes, incorporating the Treviso. Two or three minutes from the end of cooking add the gorgonzola and pepper (if you prefer a more delicate flavor with a little dilute Zola 'milk before incorporating it to the risotto).
Pour the rice on plates and garnish with a few leaves of chicory

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